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Category Archives: Research
New preprint on intrinsic neural timescales in humans during wakefulness and sleep
In this research work we use the spiking activity of neurons in the human brain to estimate the timescales of information processing during different states of vigilance.
Visiting Scholar at the Staresina Memory Lab at the University of Oxford
I am thrilled to start working in the Memory and Sleep Lab of Prof. Staresina at Oxford University. We will explore the mechanisms underlying memory consolidation using single unit recordings from the Medial Temporal Lobe (MTL) in humans.
New Method Paper on Single Unit Recordings
In this paper we present possible solution to the problem that neural spikes are sometimes detected multiple times in human extracellular single unit recordings.
Frontotemporal Regulation of Subjective Value to Suppress Impulsivity in Intertemporal Choices
New paper on the neural basis of delay discounting using MEG and eye tracking.
How do we value rewards if we have to wait for them?
And do we act differently if we decide for ourselves or for our best friend?
Find out in the paper below:
A revisit of PSR J1909−3744 with 15-yr high-precision timing
New paper on the fascinating pulsar PSR J1909–3744 published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society:
This very well timed pulsar exhibits a highly eccentric orbit around the centre of our Galaxy. This pulsar was also one of the first astrophysical systems I have worked on. Find the link to the paper below:
Constraining the dense matter equation-of-state with radio pulsars
We published a new article in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in which we show that radio pulsars can help us understand the behaviour of matter at extremely high densities. Check out the link to the paper:
Best Poster Award at the FENS Hertie Winter School 2016 on Memory mechanisms in humans
It was great to attend the Hertie Winter School 2016 on Memory mechanisms in humans in Obergurgl, Austria. It was an honour for me to receive the best poster award.
Check out the recordings of the exciting lectures from a list of really outstanding scientists:
Breakthrough prize of fundamental physics
Great news! LIGO scientists were awarded the breakthrough prize of fundamental physics!