It has been an extraordinary and important meeting and I am grateful to have been part of it.
International newspaper articles:
I am thrilled to start working in the Memory and Sleep Lab of Prof. Staresina at Oxford University. We will explore the mechanisms underlying memory consolidation using single unit recordings from the Medial Temporal Lobe (MTL) in humans.
Check out the great work of Casa Hogar, a charity project that I contribute to.
This project aims at improving living conditions of the mostly indigenous and underprivileged people of the Colombian Chocó by supporting education of girls and women.
It was great to attend the Hertie Winter School 2016 on Memory mechanisms in humans in Obergurgl, Austria. It was an honour for me to receive the best poster award.
Check out the recordings of the exciting lectures from a list of really outstanding scientists:
Great news! LIGO scientists were awarded the breakthrough prize of fundamental physics!
Great to observe the mercury transit together with pupils from Helmholtz-Gymnasium Bonn on a sunny day.
I am looking forward to many fascinating discussions!
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